
When the bytes go out: will power outages affect my IT security model?

Author: Noel Davis, Subject specialist (Infrastructure programme) Should any scheduled power outages occur over the winter, they will have the potential to interrupt normal business operations to varying degrees.  Current predictions are that these will be limited to evenings and not occur during core business hours. Ensuring staff can work as expected will reduce the […]


When the bytes go out: Power down? What next?

Author: Noel Davis, Subject specialist (Infrastructure programme) With the increasing prospect of power interruption over the coming months, it is essential that Jisc members have confidence in their disaster recovery (DR) plan, which should deal with such eventualities. Power recycling on IT equipment is usually managed by the IT team.   It is usual for core […]


Ensuring your disaster recovery and business continuity plans are ready for any interruption to power supplies

Pressure on energy supplies and centralised planning to manage energy consumption have been well documented in the media. It is likely that any energy rationing will be experienced as either a: ‘Blackout’, scheduled or unscheduled total loss of grid provided energy, most likely electricity, for a period. There is also the threat of ‘Brownout’, a […]


Improving the student eduroam experience

Author: Edward Wincott, Eduroam service manager The new academic year has begun, and the return of students to campus means a huge increase in the usage of eduroam. Connecting to eduroam can be frustrating and fraught with difficulty for some students, and staff too, and since eduroam is the primary Wi-Fi service at most universities […]


Preparation for unscheduled IT support staff absences

As the Omicron variant of Covid-19 threatens to reduce staff availability due to self-isolating, it’s worth preparing for the possibility that a key member of the IT team is suddenly unable to come to work causing operational disruption. Talk to your HR department It may be that individuals who are self-isolating but who have no […]


Develop an IT service strategy to gain senior management support

Introduction The main goal of an IT service strategy is to encourage the IT support team to think about why something is to be done before thinking about how best to do it. In doing so, you will be helping to identify what services should be delivered, efficiently allocate resources and resolve conflicting demands for […]


Infrastructure review synthesis: Post 10, Governance

This post is the tenth and final post in a series of posts that have been created to identify the best practice found in FE colleges by the Jisc infrastructure review service. An introduction to the infrastructure review synthesis project is provided in the first post in the series. Governance Most colleges can improve elements […]


Infrastructure review synthesis: Post 9, Security and business continuity

This post is the ninth in a series of ten posts that have been created to identify the best practice found in FE colleges by the Jisc infrastructure review service. An introduction to the infrastructure review synthesis project is provided in the first post in the series. Security and business continuity In the most mature […]


Infrastructure review synthesis: Post 8, Device management

This post is the eighth in a series of ten posts that have been created to identify the best practice found in FE colleges by the Jisc infrastructure review service. An introduction to the infrastructure review synthesis project is provided in the first post in the series. Device management Most colleges have a mix of […]


Infrastructure review synthesis: Post 7, Enterprise applications

This post is the seventh in a series of ten posts that have been created to identify the best practice found in FE colleges by the Jisc infrastructure review service. An introduction to the infrastructure review synthesis project is provided in the first post in the series. Enterprise applications In the vast majority of colleges […]